General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Blockstars UG (limited liability) & Co. KG

§1 Scope and Definitions

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the business relationships between Blockstars UG (limited liability) & Co. KG, hereinafter referred to as "Blockstars", and the users of the online platform "BLOCKSTARS". These GTC apply to all services and functions providedby Blockstars via the platform. 

The term"users" encompasses both football agents who possess a valid FIFA agent license and intend to broker players to clubs, and the sports clubs seeking to recruit players. The services of Blockstars are exclusively available to registered users who aim to establish and maintain business relationships in the football brokerage sector through the use of the platform.

§2Registration and Conclusion of Contract

Prior registration on BLOCKSTARS is required to utilize the services of Blockstars. By registering, users agree to these GTC and commit to comply with them. Registration and the use of the platform are exclusively permitted for legal entities, merchants, and professionally active individuals acting within their professional or commercial activities.

Registration establishes a contractual relationship between Blockstars and the user, governed by these GTC. Users must provide true, current, and complete information during registration and promptly update any changes.

§3 Our Business Model

Blockstars positions itself as the leading platform for connecting football agents globally. Our business model is dedicated to facilitating and optimizing the player brokerage process through digital technologies. Agents can create player profiles, respond to clubs' job offers, and expand their network via our platform. Clubs can communicate their requirements and directly connect with agents.

Blockstars generates revenue from brokerage commissions and platform usage fees. Our objective is to make the global football transfer market more transparent, efficient, and accessible. By offering a comprehensive database and advanced communication tools, we create value for all participants in the football transfer process.

§4 User Obligations

Users agree to use Blockstars' services in a manner consistent with applicable laws and these GTC. Sharing access data with third parties is strictly prohibited. Agents, in particular, commit only to represent players with whom they have a valid mandate. Any form of deception, such as submitting false documents or unauthorized player representation, constitutes a serious breach of these GTC.

§5 Payment Terms

The use of certain services and features on Blockstars may incur charges. Users will be informed of the relevant fees and cost structures in advance. Payments for services are processed through the secure payment service providers integrated into Blockstars, Stripe Inc., and PayPal. Users agree to pay the incurred fees on time according to the agreed payment terms.

§6 Prohibited Activities and Sanctions

Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, circumventing the platform for direct brokering, submitting false documents, and representing underage players without the required consent from parents or legal guardians. In the event of a breach of these GTC, Blockstars reserves the right to claim damages of up to EUR 500,000 and to exclude the offending user from the platform.

§7 Intellectual Property

The "Blockstars" brand, along with all associated services, technologies, and content, are comprehensively protected by trademark law within the European Union. Any unauthorized use of the brand, technologies, or content of Blockstars, including unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or publication, constitutes an infringement of Blockstars' intellectual property rights and will be prosecuted accordingly.

§8 Nordensa Fast Track

Blockstars, in cooperation with Nordensa Football SRL, hereinafter referred to as "Nordensa", offers an exclusive service called "Nordensa Fast Track". This service allows agents to directly propose promising talents for evaluation and potential inclusion in Nordensa's portfolio.

(1) Requirements: Agents must possess a valid FIFA agent license to use this service, and the players they wish to propose must be represented by a valid mandate. For underage players, explicit consent from parents or legal guardians is also required.

(2) Agent Obligations: Agents commit to providing truthful and complete information about the proposed players. Blockstars provides a corresponding form on the platform for this purpose. The responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information lies solely with the agent.

(3) Review by Nordensa: Upon submission of the proposal, Nordensa reviews the suitability of the proposed player for their portfolio. The decision on a player's inclusion lies solely with Nordensa and will be communicated to the involved agents promptly.

(4) Confidentiality: All information submitted as part of the Nordensa Fast Track will be treated confidentially. The disclosure of information to third parties without the express consent of Blockstars and Nordensa is prohibited.

(5) Liability Disclaimer: Blockstars is not liable for Nordensa's decisions within the Fast Track Program. Likewise, Blockstars is not liable for any damages or lost profits resulting from a player's non-inclusion in Nordensa's portfolio.

§9 Links to Other Websites

The BLOCKSTARS platform may contain links to third-party websites. The operators of these websites are solely responsible for their content. Blockstars assumes no liability for the content of external websites accessible via links on the platform. Users acknowledge that Blockstars cannot be held liable for any damages arising from the use or reliance on content, goods, or services available on or through such external websites.

§10 Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, Blockstars excludes all liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of the platform, unless these damages result from willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Blockstars. This does not include liability for damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health.

§11 Governing Law

These GTC and all contractual relationships arising from or related to these GTC are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

§12 Disputes Resolution

In the event of disputes arising from or related to these GTC, the parties commit to seeking an amicable resolution first. Should no agreement be reached within a reasonable period, legal proceedings may be initiated.

§13 Amendments to the GTC

Blockstars reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. Users will be informed of GTC changes at least 30 days before their effective date. Users who do not agree to the amended GTC have the right to terminate their membership on the platform.

§14 Final Provisions

Should individual provisions of these GTC be invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. An appropriate regulation that comes closest to what the parties economically intended will replace the invalid or unenforceable provision.

§15 Contact

For questions or further information regarding these GTC, users can contact us via email at Blockstars is committed to promptly and comprehensively responding to all inquiries.

Privacy Policy of Blockstars

Blockstars UG (limited liability) & Co. KG, situated at Hellersbergstraße 12A, 41460 Neuss, Germany, registered under HRA 8255 at the District Court of Neuss, is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data collected through the "BLOCKSTARS" platform. This privacy policy outlines our data handling practices in strict accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant EU laws.

Data ControllerThe data controller for the "BLOCKSTARS" platform is Blockstars UG (limited liability) & Co. KG. We ensure all personal data processing complies with the GDPR and applicable data protection legislation.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data
1. Personal Data Collection: We collect personal information such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers only when you provide them voluntarily, for registration, inquiries, or service engagement on our platform.
2. Validation of Submitted Documents: We collect documents like FIFA agent licenses or player mandates solely for validation purposes to ensure the authenticity of users and maintain the integrity of our platform.
3. Usage Data and Analytics: Usage Data is collected to improve user experience and may include details such as IP addresses, browser types, pages visited, and time spent on pages.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
1. Purpose of Use: Personal data are used for purposes like platform administration, customer support, personalized experiences, and targeted marketing, always within legal and ethical boundaries.
2. Data Sharing and Disclosure: We do not share personal data with third parties except as required by law or with your explicit consent. Data may be shared for legal compliance or to protect our platform.

Consent, Withdrawal, and Data Retention
1. Consent Management: By using our platform, you consent to the processing of your personal data as outlined in this policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, affecting future data processing.
2. Data Retention Policy: Personal data is retained only as long as necessary for the purposes described in this policy or as required by law.

Data Security Measures

Blockstars employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction, constantly updating these measures to adhere to best practices and regulatory standards.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and analyze platform usage. You can control cookie settings through your browser, though some platform functionalities may be affected.

Your Rights Under the GDPR

You have several rights under the GDPR, including the rights to access, rectify, or erase your personal data, restrict processing, and object to processing. Blockstars is dedicated to upholding these rights.

Nordensa Fast Track Data Use

Information submitted through the Nordensa Fast Track is processed in accordance with GDPR standards, focusing on lawful use, data minimization, and limited retention, ensuring the privacy and security of the submitted data.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

Blockstars reserves the right to update this privacy policy to reflect changes in legal requirements or our data processing practices. Users will be notified of significant changes through our platform.

Contact Information

For any questions related to this privacy policy or your personal data, please contact us at Our team is ready to assist with any inquiries or to facilitate the exercise of your data protection rights.


This privacy policy is designed to transparently communicate how Blockstars handles personal data in compliance with the GDPR and EU data protection laws. Users are encouraged to review this policy and contact us with any questions or concerns regarding their personal data and privacy rights.